Customer Testimonials

Your repeat custom with us is very important and we wish to build on our reputation for integrity, quality with an exceptional service.

Times and technology may have changed, but our focus on honest and dependable quality of products and service hasn't. That's why repeat customers are a vital part of our business.

Our customers tell us all the time our dedicated, knowledgeable, energetic, and customer friendly team more than fulfilled their needs. Fulfilling customers' needs is why they keep coming back to us and that is why we love our business.

Thank you all.

Managing Director


What Our Customers Say

Daivd Harrison, Business Owner
, England February 2011. Xerographic  International - England

  • Would recommend your service to anyone. It's very hard these days to find someone who knows what they are talking about.

Mr Mohammed, Director
, Pakistan January 2011. Xerographic  International - Pakistan

  • A pleasure to do business with you and thank you for sorting our problem.

Hugh, Printer
, Ireland January 2011. Xerographic  International - Ireland

  • Brilliant service guys, very impressed.

Fredrik Johansson, Buyer
, Denmark November 2010. Xerographic  International - Denmark

  • You found us the part we badly needed and delivered in 2 days, you are very helpful.

Henry Parsons, Business Owner
, Côte d'Ivoire. October 2010. Xerographic  International - Côte d'Ivoire

  • Superb service and delivery is very fast. Thank you guys for your efforts.

Stanislaw, Printer
, Warsaw Poland. September 2010. Xerographic  International - Poland

  • Just the company I need. I run my DC 250 all day and night so need a good company to supply us.

Raymond Fuller, Business Owner
, Cape Town, South Africa.September 2010. Xerographic  International - South Africa

  • I recently ordered Staples for our Xerox DC 4112. Not only was the cost (including shipping) competitve, We had the goods before our local suppliers had got back to us with a quote! Many thanks to Paul Miles for his excellent service.

David C, Director
, California, USA. August 2010. Xerographic  International - United States of America

  • Service just doesn't get better than this. Ordered a small part for our Xerox and it arrived 2 days later. Very impressed.

Business Owner
, Greece. July 2010. Xerographic  International - Greece

  • Super service. Very fast.

 Mexico. July 2010. Xerographic  International - Mexico

  • Thank you for all your help. Very happy with service.

Business Owner,
 England. July 2010. Xerographic  International - England

  • We're very impressed with the attitude of Xerographic International, they've really helped us out over the past 2 weeks getting our machine fixed and running perfectly. Thank you.

Managing Director,
 Bulgaria. June 2010. Xerographic  International - Bulgaria

  • I am very thankfull for quality of the copy machine and for very professional work of Paul, Managing Director, Xerographic International Ltd.

Managing Director, 
Office Equipment Dealer, Bulgaria. April 2010. Xerographic  International - Bulgaria

  •  Excellent speedy service with all the right parts we need.

Purchase Manager, 
Supplies Company, Brazil. March 2010. Xerographic International - Brazil

  •  Thank you for your prompt deal and speed delivery.

Maurizio, MD of Large reseller, Italy. March 2010. Xerographic International - Italy

  • Finding a good supplier of Xerox toners has proven nightmare. We lucky to have a good relations with Xerographic International. Thank you guys for all your help.

Large printing company in London. March 2010. Xerographic International - England

  • As a new customer I am happy with Xerographic service and I have added them as one of my favourite suppliers. Not only a supplier of toner at really reasonable prices and other parts for my copiers but able to offer a full back up service for my copiers. I would happily recommend them to any of my associates.

Mr Hughes
ATT Partnership, AberdeenMarch 2010. Xerographic International - Scotland

  • "After searching the web for cheap Xerox toners we came across Xerographic International, so glad we did. Very smooth transaction and even got the bits the next day. Great service."

A Large Multinational Office Supplies CompanyFeb 2010. Xerographic International - Europe

  • "Easy to deal with and with & very competitive prices"

DDK Slovakia. Feb 2010. Xerographic International - Slovakia

  • "Very pleased with your products must deal again"

Mr Ahmed
Sydney Australia. Dec 2009. Xerographic International - Australia

  • "Thank you for your excellent service"


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